Major Prophet MASSOCK Parmena Louis, Pastor FEUNOU Christopher and Bro. KINGUE went to spend a consecrated time in fasting and prayers of five days on Mount Cameroon, in the retreat place where God called up Major Prophet Massock to offer always his private time with him. It came to pass that we had had a wonderful time in prayer and intercession on behalf of the Bride all over the world, and mostly on the topic of “God carrying out the Quick and Short Message now revealed” into all the Nations for the Adoption of His Elected ones. All through, the Dynamic Power ministered to us and answered many needs presented to Him. At the end of this program, while we were coming back on Sunday morning, making commentaries and being filled with joy, we reached our resting place which is situated at about 4 km from the town (almost 3 miles).As soon as we sang a song, prayed and left the site, Brethren something happened like in the days of Philip when he was picked up from Samaria and dropped on the way, ahead of the Ethiopian Eunuch in the desert; (Acts 8:26, 27, 39, 40) or like what the Lord did when He asked the crowd to cross the water to the other side and while reaching, the same crowd found him on the other side preaching the Word. (John 6:16-25)
Pastor Christopher was heading the move, followed by Bro. Kingue and I, Major Prophet Massock ended the line. While we were still talking, “a Great Event happened:’’ We were suddenly raptured & translated in a twinkling of an eye and dropped around the town, but on two different roads. (See the design below).
We’ve never used the road in which Major Prophet Massock was dropped. Then I, Major Prophet Massock heard audibly the Voice of the Lord saying:
“When somebody will walk with you, he will think that he is walking with a human being; but he will not know that he is walking with God. And when that person shall be told about it and will come to doubt, then an event shall occur to confirm it or to prove it out.”
As this message was ended, I found an unusual and unknown gutter which I had never crossed; then suddenly my senses came back and I realized that I was alone or I got missing. Immediately I heard the two brothers calling me afar from our normal road to the prison. We started coming back quickly and we met at the same junction. We were astonished at what had just happened to us; and afterwards I gave them the testimony.
NB:-That was how we were raptured, translated in a twinkling of an eye and dropped where we were found. Is it not what happened to Prophet W. M. Branham when the Lord was ready to reveal to him the Book of the Written Seals by John the Divine?
The Lord Jesus Christ, by the Creative Power operating in the 3rd Pull, accomplished this event to confirm more and vindicate His 2nd-fold Ministry that has given to the Bride’s Members the Capstone Message which is “The Seven Thunders Message” to achieve His Program in this present Age of the Bride.
May His Powerful Name be magnified into us and in our midst in Jesus Christ’s Name, Amen!
In His Divine Service
Major Prophet Massock Parmena Louis.
Last November 2013, it was discovered that Sister Marlyse has been sick, having ovarian cysts within her uterus for more than two years which kept her under constant pains in her womb. And all those years she couldn’t get pregnant from her husband whose spirit was permanently broken. Then after consulting a Physician; he decided that she should undergo an urgent Surgical Operation. She was immediately programmed for it, but before then, she attended a Prayer Service in the Assembly of Bangangte in which her case was seriously handled by the brethren, and at last our brother, Pastor William TAKU laid hands on her and called on the Dynamic Power to get into the scene. In the night, she got in a vision that, somebody came and laid his hand on her head; and in the morning by 5 am, she only found herself robed with blood. In the day she went back to the hospital for verification, and the result was negative. There was no more any cyst in her uterus. Oh yes! Her uterus was found liberated from the presence of many cysts by the Creative Power. Amen!
The Physician, being greatly astonished, annulled the Surgical Operation.
Sister Marlyse came back to the Assembly and testified all what the Dynamic Power worked into her. Today, she is pregnant, after such a long time spent under pains and sufferings.
Glory be to Jesus-Christ, our Lord, Amen!!!!
ON 19-5-2014
Last June 2013, a Lady of 35 years old was devilishly possessed by a group of witches or sorcerers who prepared to kill and eat her mystically. Every time that this group of people came to execute their destructive and wicked project, she sees and shouts their names. Hospitalized for few days; she came out, but later she was projected to a demon of “madness.” Her family members brought in a “Marabou” – a dark power to protect her, but in vain. The condition became more serious, and she got into a “coma;” and the Marabou fled away; then the family noticed that she was already dead.
Immediately, one of her sons, came and called for me around 7 pm. When I got in her family compound, I found a lot of people in her room watching on the dead body of the lady. When the family decided to take the corpse to the mortuary, I came up to see the situation, and immediately, the Dynamic Power urged me to pray on the corpse and asked for her life to be back into her. I urgently started praying, after 30 minutes of battle, the Creative Power resurrected the lady before the crowd that was greatly full of joy, as people saw the demonstration of the Power of God working through the Bride’s Members who are moving under the 2nd fold of Prophet W. Branham’s Message – the Capstone Message. Hallelujah!!!!
Today, the Lady is in good health, resurrected, healed and living in the midst of her joyful family in Bangangte-Town.
May the Name of the Lord Jesus abide glorified in the midst of all His Elected Bride’s Members. Amen!!!!
Testimony reported by the Editors office;
Ministry of Achievement of God’s Program on (19-04-2014).
A young couple that lives in my Parent’s quarter (Jordan) in Douala, the Massogui family, was blessed 12 years ago with two kids of 7 years and 5 years old.
Almost five years ago, the first boy of 7 years old was dead mystically, swallowed up by destroyers, wicked agents who live around them.
Last two years, that’s in 2012, just as if what happened before wasn’t anything; the same enemy came again and succeeded to steal, destroy and kill (John 10:10) the last kid called “Treasure.”
This kid fell sick and was taken to “E.E.C – Hospital” at SIC City. There, the situation deteriorated and the kid got into a coma of five days and remained dead on the 7th day. On the 6th day, the family struggled and got different Pastors from Pentecostal Churches and exorcist Ministers to intervene in bringing back life into their son; but all their efforts were found useless and their powers powerless.
Then the sister of the child’s mother told the family saying: “Let us go and get Major Prophet Massock Parmena Louis of The Ministry of Achievement, for God will surely do something through him.”
They came to me very late on that Saturday, inviting me and pleading that I should come to pray for the resurrection of the lady’s “only son.” In replying, I told them to come and get me the next day, that was on Sunday morning. The next day, before it was getting to 6.00 am, they were already there. Putting my Trust upon the “Dynamic Power” that has committed to me the Preaching of the “Seven Thunders Message” based upon “the revealed Key-Word;” I took my little Bible and went with them into the E.E.C Church-Hospital where the kid was lying dead.
As I got into this ward and while looking at the body of this kid, the Holy Ghost-the Dynamic Power revealed to me that, “the kid has been swallowed up by a mystical big boa, a human and devilish agent who feeds from other people’s children in that quarter.” What wickedness!!!!
Having been convinced by “our Faith which overcame the world,” (1 John 5:4) that God will raise up this kid; I firstly asked the mother to look for food, for that is the first thing he will request for as soon as he will be brought back into life. Afterwards, I quickly used one of the Weapons given to me to battle all the Satanists and to bruise them; and which are mentioned inside the Book entitled “BEHOLD THE SEED OF THE WOMAN THAT SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT.” As soon as I held the Sword of the King (Jeremiah 12:12) after weakening this Satanist human agent transformed into a mystical boa, by the blood of JESUS (Hebrews 9:14, Isaiah 54:17); brethren, as I cut the head and tail of this boa, then tore and opened its womb, I asked the family what was the name of the young boy? The mother replied “Treasure.” Then I spoke calling loudly the boy’s name saying: “Treasure, I order you in the Name of Jesus Christ who is talking to you, get up.”
Oh! Brethren, suddenly our boy “Treasure” got up shouting and crying “I’m hungry” while falling into the hands of the family members.
And while all of them were embracing themselves praising God joyfully, “I, Major Prophet Massock was going back home stimulated by the Dynamic Power that has proven itself out through that resurrection,’’ and which Spirit Male, by operating this resurrection, confirmed thus, the Capstone Message, today revealed to the Bride’s Members. May the Glory be given to you Lord Jesus Christ for what you are doing under the Second Fold of your Ministry which is achieving your Program now. (Hebrews 8:6-2nd fold). Amen!
In His Divine Service:
Major Prophet Massock Parmena Louis
A young brother called Raphael, has been assisting under the Ministry of Achievement, Pastor Samuel Ebai in the Preaching of the 2nd Portion of the Message of Prophet W. Branham today revealed to the Bride.
Brother Raphael who was suddenly attacked by a Hernia, traveled to Muyuka town to get a Surgical Operation around the 17th to 18th January 2014.
While undergoing the Surgical Operation that was quickly done by the Physician, Bro. Raphael gave up the ghost. And all the methods used by the Doctor to bring him back to life, were done in vain within almost many hours in that day.
Within that time, the family brethren kept on praying hoping that God could bring back life into Bro. Raphael. His body was not taken to the Mortuary, but was kept into one of the men’s wards. Before the end of the day, our brother’s ghost was brought back into his body. Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ who comforted the brethren by that Resurrection.
As soon as he rose up, he explained to the people what happened and where he was taken to. Back to his Division, he gave this testimony before the Assembly in Mamfe on Sunday 26th January 2014 saying:
“While the Physician started the Surgical Operation on me, I realized that my spirit left my body, I saw how my body was laying there as I was taken to the Sixth dimension, knowing that I was dead in the physical or earthly life.
At this dimension, I was brought into a place where I found men who were looking like the Prophets of the Ages, or the New Testament’s Apostles; but I could only clearly see and recognize Prophet W. M. Branham.
All of them were living in a very nice area or compound and being in a comfortable atmosphere, expecting to go further or get into the next Stage. Then looking behind me, I saw standing a Pastor, Bro. Ferdinand A; a preacher of the 1st fold of the Message of Prophet Branham.
Then I asked to myself how could this man come here, when did he die to find himself here. Suddenly he crossed me to move towards the direction of the next Stage. Immediately, I saw Bro. Branham running to block the way to him, from going to that Stage. Then I heard the Prophet shouting at him and rebuking him severely saying: “Go back from here and put your life in order, nobody of the first-fold Message can get in there; only those who are actually Achieving the Ministry (having the 2nd-Fold or 2nd Portion of the Message), are going to take us to get into that last Stage.” (Hebrews 11:39-40)
As this Pastor was thus rebuked, he left, and I found also myself back into my body laying on bed in the ward and woke up this way. I found that, the few people who were still around, were happy to see me coming back to life.” Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
N.B:-Let every divided Group of the first-fold Message believers understand that, the Second Portion of the Message (Revelation 8:1, 10:3-4) is given Today by the Lord Jesus, to prepare the Bride’s Members to the Perfect and Rapturing Faith; and that, the Prophet’s Anointing (Revelation 10:7-2nd fold) is in the grain (‘’the Seed’’) and not in ‘’the Shuck.’’ (Galatians 4:29-30) Blessed are those who are looking for the present revealed “Seven Thunders Message or the Capstone Message” for the “Adoption” (Galatians 4:5) and ‘’Perfection” (Hebrews 6:1, Matthew 5:48, Colossians 1:26-28) of the Bride’s Members, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen!
This Testimony of Bro. Raphael, is reported by the Ministry of Achievement raised by God in Cameroon Republic-Central Africa.
[SUNDAY, 20-01-2013]
I, Bro. Matthew of Ekata village in Muyuka Sub-division–Fako Division, am a FARMER and a MAN of about 40 years old. I have been a victim of a terrible attack of a chronic hernia set in my body by a satanic agent so that by that way I should quickly die.
Brethren, for years, I have gone to some hospitals for consultation, spent money. I have looked for all means that I should get a surgical operation, but in vain; for whenever I get to the hospital, the Hernia that was swollen up, sinks inside my body. But when I’m back home, the very hernia must appear and shoot out on my left side, producing too much pains and irresistible cries.
In that stage, I remain a weaken person, unable to follow my farming program & my wife couldn’t know how to comfort me. Nothing could raise joy around me; I remained a sorrowful man all those years.
Dear Brethren, God did not want me to be buried this year, 2013; for as soon as I got the news that, Major Prophet Massock was coming to Muyuka Assembly for a 3 days Service to preach on the Capstone Messages, I quickly came to attend the meetings. As I presented my case on 19th January 2013 to this man of God, he was pricked in his heart. Then after a morning prayer, Major Prophet Massock called for me. And as he laid his left hand on the sick area, he battled the demon of Hernia that immediately left my body and I became healed. Coincidentally, Major Prophet Louis bore immediately the same sickness on him on the same area, but before leaving Muyuka, he was in good health.
By the Lord’s stripes, we’re healed. (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24) Glory be to the LORD JESUS-CHRIST who is operating in His Achievement’s Ministry today. (Hebrews 8:6-2nd fold)
Last year; 2012, Pastor Christopher Feunou was seriously attacked by the devil who projected on the palm of his left hand, an infection that blocked his hand and fingers, and swelled the palm. This condition kept his hand paralyzed that he could no more work with that hand because of feeling a lot of pain.
As Major Prophet Massock left Buea, to visit them at Muyuka Town, he found this deplorable situation felt by this man of God.
What could Major Prophet Massock do? Except to rescue this Pastor by a Powerful prayer laid before God.
Then according to the Word of God promised to vindicate the Ministry that He has provided to Achieve His Program, (Hebrews 8:6-2nd fold); Major Prophet Massock just took his hand by the authority given to the Bride’s Members in Luke 10:19, and laid his left hand Palm on Pastor Feunou’s sick Palm. As Major Prophet Louis .M. battled the demon and cast it out of the sick hand; Pastor Feunou’s palm and fingers were instantly healed. The blocked fingers and swollen Palm, became normal, and in good condition. My Brother jubilated and gave thanks to God – For his hand was free.
Meanwhile, the very sickness or attack got immediately into my own left palm and the Lord reminded to me that – ‘I was told that: “He will use me like a Great Sacrificator who must bear the troubles of others, to get them in me, before receiving the very healing or deliverance afterwards.”
And before going back to Buea, my left hand too was totally healed “Praise be to the Lord JESUS.’’
I, Major Prophet Massock; has been having Nail ‘Fonghaï’ sickness on my left hand, on two of my fingers (the Major finger got sick for 27 years, and stayed without a Nail on it; and the
“Thumb finger” was five years without a Nail on it); after both were chopped up (eaten up) by ‘Fonghaï.’
Brethren, I spent a lot of money in buying of many medicaments (Tablets, rubbing anointments, etc…) without getting any positive result.
From 2003, as I was ordered by the Lord who asked me to go up to “Mt. Cameroon” to pray for the purpose of the oncoming Ministry of Achievement of His Program, it came to happen that along many other testimonies of the visitation of the Prophet Branham to me; while I was once taken in the Heavenly Places, I was visited by him concerning the ‘Fonghaï’ sickness on the two fingers.
As the 2nd fold of his Ministry started in 2005 with the supply of the Capstone Messages, I was taken into a vision in 2008 in which I saw Prophet W. Branham and Sis. Meda Branham come to me. Meda stood at about 10 meters away from me, while Bro. Branham came near to me, held my left hand, and caught the major finger that for 27 years never got a nail, and dragged it like removing something from it. Then the vision left me. Brethren, after two weeks, my Major Finger was healed from ‘Fonghaï,’ and covered with a New Nail.
Brethren, this healing surprised all the Assemblies under God’s Ministry of Achievement.
Two months later, I was again taken to the Heavenly Places. And this time, Bro. Branham, came alone, seriously vexed because of ‘Fonghaï’ sickness on the Thumb finger, he held it and like manner, he dragged it forth like removing something –As I came back from the vision, I remembered that, that ‘Fonghaï’ was a hindrance to the use by the Lord of my Left Arm. And I read the experience of Bro. Branham about his left hand. I knew that there should be something (Divine) that must be connected to my left hand. The Thumb Finger too was covered with a New nail. Thanks to God, the left hand is today useful in the healing services.
This testimony is given to enable all the Brethren who are called to believe the Second-fold Message or the Capstone Messages to understand that, “The Dynamic - The Creative Power,” which is “The Holy Ghost Male,” confirms, and will always confirm the Capstone Messages pasted on the Bride Website (www.ministryofachievement.com) wherever they’re believed.
Papa Benoit an old man of about 75 years of age; who formerly attended a group of the Message (1st fold), but who became deaf, was invited and brought to THE BRIDE NATIONAL RETREAT at Bafoussam of December 28th 2012 to January 1st 2013, by Sis. Yvonne, his Sister-in-law.
During a resting time (a pause), his case was presented to Major Prophet Massock, who called him to be prayed for. As soon as Major Prophet Louis Massock laid his hands on the ears of this deaf man; he bound the demon and commanded it to get out and be cast into the bottomless pit. “The demon of deafness” left immediately and Papa Benoit shouted & said: ‟I’m hearing now, I’m hearing now.’’
Filled with joy, he jumped and embraced Major Prophet Massock and we sang Praises to our God who has done such a deed. “Glory!!!!”
Sister NADINE, a lady of 28 years old was once testified to of the ongoing Capstone Message by a brother six years ago, who finally invited her to attend an evening Service, after explaining to her that God has raised up in Cameroon a New Ministry through which; He is manifesting Himself powerfully.
After about two weeks of hearing the Word, she was stimulated by the Truth and later requested for her water Baptism. But we do baptize the Brethren only after they have undergone a Deliverance Service foreran by a thorough confession based upon the Holy Spirit’s Order through Prophet W. M. Branham, (73-77…HE.CARES.DO.YOU.CARE_ JEFF.IN V-12 N-4 SUNDAY_ 63-0721) are fulfilled.
During an evening period chosen to carry out this Deliverance Service, while confessing all her sinful, filthy and past life in worldliness; under the manipulation of the powers and agents of darkness, she unveiled that she had been seriously and continually sick with an ISSUE OF BLOOD, four years ago and had done all, taken all kinds of medicaments and spent a lot of money, but without getting any solution. The case was so pitiful.
Brethren, after the Lord through visions revealed some mystical and demonic connections into her life; few words of exhortation were spoken to her by Major Prophet Massock.
Immediately after the anointing with oil took place according to James 5:14, and prayer for the Forgiveness of her sins was offered, a powerful battle took place against demonic powers and attacks, with the use of all the Offensive Weapons given to us by the Lord for the Purpose of casting these evils out of Sr. Nadine. At that same moment, instantly, this Lady was completely healed of her Chronic Disease.
Glory be to you Lord JESUS CHRIST who operates all these things within the Bride’s Members in Cameroon Republic- Central Africa.
After the first testimony went round, it came to pass that during an Indoor Revival, a Sister who, after being plucked out from the mermaid kingdom into which she was initiated, invited REBECCA, a Lady of about 40 years old who had suffered a lot, being sick of an ISSUE OF BLOOD for 8 years and having H.I.V virus for four years.
During the Service, she surrendered her life to take in the Word of God. She was so miserable that she deeply needed a Savior to redeem and heal her body from all her diseases. Without wasting time, this lady who moved to many Hospitals and marabous, cried bitterly and begged for her rescuing. Brethren, we were all broken about her condition. Then Major Prophet Massock programmed her Deliverance the following day.
About the Deliverance Service; the Lord told me that, ‘’whosoever will come to believe and be sincere in the Confession of his/her sins; He shall deliver them.’’
Thus Sr. Rebecca, while she confessed all her iniquity and dirty filthy life, the Lord revealed all the wickedness of the devil through people who planned her destruction. However, the Lord being in control, a great prayer of deliverance took place that morning, and the Lord Jesus delivered and healed this Lady from the 8 years of an Issue of Blood and HIV-AIDS virus instantly; Hallelujah!
How wonderful He is; Brethren, Rebecca went from Douala right into her village testifying the goodness of God and shouting that, she too has become normal like any other woman.
We thank you Lord Jesus Christ who is dynamically working into your Bride’s Members.
Coming from a divorced and unbelieving family, this young man of about 27 years old was mystically harmed by some occultists men connected to the father with whom they formed a mystical cult or association, in which every year, a member supplies any relative or friend i.e. offers a human being as sacrifice to the cult.
And it happened that, it was the turn of Mr. Joseph, the father of Jean Paul to offer; and he decided to sacrifice his son to the cult-men. This father presented the son who was accepted; but without any family member knowing the secret deal carried out by Mr. Joseph who throughout the years keeps a secret room (a sanctum) in his compound in which nobody is allowed to enter, and into which he carried out his incantation’s ceremonies etc…
It happened that, Bro J. Paul started getting sick, getting dry (being eaten up mystically). All the medical tests about any suspected sickness were negative. Suddenly J.P started coughing and vomiting blood and was carried to a T.B specialized Hospital in Douala; no T.B bacteria was found in him. The situation quickly deteriorated as fast as possible. The occult men were accelerating his degradation. The rest of his family members (J.P’s sisters, brothers, mothers etc…) were crying and weeping, seeing how J.P after three days, will soon give up although surrounded by serious medical personnel, rendered powerless before this ongoing deadly case. After few minutes, these medical body left, saying: “there is no way to rescue; the case is a mystical one, we can’t waste our time there.” Bro. J.P was ready to give up the ghost (being not yet a believer, but one of his sisters was already in the Ministry). Brethren, at that very time he was giving up the ghost, I, Major Prophet Massock and Pastor Ebai were in my house in Douala, which is about 5 km from that hospital. Then the Lord Jesus called us through a vision shown to Bro. Ebai to run very fast to Akwa Hospital, where there is a young man of about 27 years who is dying, offered by his father as a sacrifice to an occult Society.
My brethren, in less than 20 minutes, we were at the gate of the hospital where we found the mother and others … weeping that J.P is dead, but the body was still on his bed. We quickly ran to the dry body left alone on his hospital bed. How were we to proceed? What was the Dynamic Power going to do? It wasn’t just a prayer case, but a battle case against agents of the kingdom of darkness; against occult men who have taken hold of the body and life of this young man.
But believing that we were commanded by the Lord Jesus, He suddenly quickened us, I and Bro. Ebai, started battling the occult Society, claiming back the life of Bro. J.P. As the battle was going on, the Lord gave us visions to see how his breath was cut off mystically within his chest; and with the use of the Offensive Weapons (presented in the Book entitled: BEHOLD THE SEED OF THE WOMAN THAT SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT, found in the Books Section of our website; www.ministryofachievement.com), I chained, bruised and consumed the mystical totem (a demonic frog) that ate his heart and lungs. While battling, this cult sent against us a wicked snake that was caught and destroyed instantly. Brethren, the Hall was full of people and family members who were seeing how their son and brother was coming back into life-breathing again. By the time the battle ended, Bro. J.P was fully resurrected. Glory be unto God! Death left him, the occult Society was defeated; and his father, Mr. Joseph latter died at the street junction (AGIP), leaving the family behind him.
May this testimony quicken all the Elected Bride’s Members in the World, and prove to each one, the powerful Presence of the Lord into this Second–fold of Prophet Branham’s Ministry (Revelation 10:7-2nd fold) raised in Africa, starting from Cameroon (Isaiah 19:19-21, Daniel 2, Matthew 21:43) where the Seven Thunders Message-the Capstone Message (Revelation 10:3-4) is revealed and pasted under “THE WRITTEN SERMONS” or ‘’BOOKS & TRACTS SECTION’’ of our Website; www.ministryofachievement.com.
May the Lord bless you as you go about reading; in Jesus Christ’s Name; Amen!!!
Bro. Othniel God’s Power
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I want to testify to you the confirmation of the Messages of the 3rd Pull (Spoken Word) in my life.
It was on November 30th, 2011, on a Friday in Edea (Littoral-Region in Cameroon) that Major Prophet Louis Parmena Massock, three of my family brothers and I (Bro. Othniel God’s Power) went to the farm, for we had as a plan to clear and to harvest some maize that day. It was 9:30 AM when we began to work for the work was divided in portions to each of us.
In the process of working, I found myself unaware beside a deep hole, when suddenly my right leg slid and entered the hole brutally causing it to be broken into two as the bones of the knee were dislocated from their position. It happened that the bones of the knee became scattered, so also the skin opened up and became very large, presenting a deep hole at the surface.
My brethren, I shouted so loud because of the inconceivable continual pains which I felt; in such a manner that Major Prophet Louis and my three family brothers had to rush toward my direction to see the reason and source of my cries and shout. They realized that I fell into a hole and became paralyzed because I could no longer stand, shake or move any part of my waist and downwards because I felt a lot of pains as never before.
My dear brothers and sisters, being in such pains and not knowing what to do because we were all in panic since the nearest hospital center in town was situated at about 8 km from the farm which was found in the bush.
It was in this hopeless condition that, having no means of transportation that I heard a Voice coming from my heart saying: the “PULL.” So I seized the Voice by the Faith of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:16); (Our Faith-1 John 5:4) in me predestinated in portion before the foundation of the world. (Jude 3, Romans 12:3) When Major Prophet Louis. M heard me declaring the word “PULL” from my mouth, he became suddenly motivated and took authority as the Father (Creator), and firstly said: “Brother, if you want the Pull, I will give you the Pull.”
Then he came over the displayed bones, placed his hand on them and spoke to them saying:
“Displayed and broken Bones; in the Name of JESUS CHRIST who is now talking to you, gather yourselves, go back and come up to fit into your first position.”
Oooh!!!! Dear Brethren, while the words were still in the mouth of Major Prophet Massock, the bones heard the CREATIVE POWER’S VOICE, gathered themselves, moved, entered and fitted back into their first position, and I suddenly stood up being straightened.
So I who was under unbearable pains could now stand, shake, move and continue to work for my heart was filled with joy as I worshipped and praised the Lord that day. My three Brothers were jumping for joy while Major Prophet Louis Massock was weeping before the vindicated Power of God; Amen!!!!