

Coming from a divorced and unbelieving family, this young man of about 27 years old was mystically harmed by some occultists men​​ connected to the father with whom they formed a mystical cult or association, in which every year, a member supplies any relative or friend i.e.​​ offers a human being as sacrifice to the cult.​​ 

And it happened that, it was the turn of​​ Mr. Joseph, the father of Jean Paul to offer; and​​ he decided to​​ sacrifice his​​ son to the cult-men. This father presented the son who was accepted;​​ but without any family member knowing the secret deal carried out by Mr. Joseph who throughout the years keeps a secret room (a sanctum) in his compound in which nobody is allowed to enter, and​​ into which​​ he carried out his incantation’s ceremonies etc…​​ 

It happened that, Bro J. Paul started getting sick, getting dry (being eaten​​ up​​ mystically).​​ All the medical tests about any suspected sickness were negative. Suddenly J.P started coughing and vomiting blood and was​​ carried to a T.B​​ specialized Hospital in Douala;​​ no T.B bacteria was found in him. The situation quickly deteriorated as fast as possible. The occult men were​​ accelerating his degradation.​​ The rest of his family members (J.P’s​​ sisters, brothers, mothers​​ etc…) were crying and weeping, seeing how J.P after three days, will soon give up although​​ surrounded by serious medical personnel, rendered powerless before this ongoing deadly​​ case. After few minutes, these medical body left, saying:​​ “there is no way to rescue;​​ the case​​ is a mystical one, we can’t waste​​ our time there.​​ Bro. J.P was ready to give up the ghost (being not yet a believer, but one​​ of his sisters​​ was already in the Ministry). Brethren, at that very time he​​ was giving up the ghost, I, Major Prophet​​ Massock and Pastor Ebai were in my house in Douala, which is​​ about 5 km from that hospital.​​ Then the Lord Jesus called us through a vision shown to Bro.​​ Ebai to run very fast to Akwa​​ Hospital, where there is a young man of about 27 years who is dying, offered by his​​ father as a sacrifice​​ to​​ an occult Society.​​ 

My brethren, in less than 20 minutes, we were at the gate of the hospital where​​ we found the mother and others … weeping that J.P is dead, but the body was still on his bed. We quickly ran to the dry body left alone on his hospital bed.​​ How were we to proceed?​​ What was the Dynamic Power going to do?​​ It wasn’t just a prayer​​ case,​​ but a battle case​​ against agents of the kingdom of darkness; against occult men who have taken hold​​ of​​ the body​​ and life of this young man.​​ 

But believing that we were commanded by the Lord Jesus, He suddenly quickened​​ us,​​ I​​ and Bro.​​ Ebai, started battling the occult Society, claiming back the life of Bro. J.P.​​ As the battle was going on,​​ the Lord gave us visions to see​​ how his breath was cut​​ off mystically within his chest;​​ and with​​ the use of the Offensive Weapons​​ (presented in the Book​​ entitled:​​ BEHOLD THE SEED OF THE WOMAN THAT SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT,​​ found in​​ the Books Section of​​ our website;​​,​​ I chained, bruised and consumed​​ the mystical totem​​ (a demonic frog)​​ that ate his heart and lungs. While battling,​​ this cult​​ sent against us a wicked snake that was​​ caught and destroyed instantly.​​ Brethren,​​ the Hall​​ was full of people and family members who were seeing how their son and brother was​​ coming back into life-breathing again.​​ By the time the battle ended,​​ Bro. J.P was fully​​ resurrected. Glory be unto God! Death left him, the occult Society was defeated; and​​ his father,​​ Mr. Joseph latter died​​ at​​ the street junction (AGIP), leaving the family behind​​ him.​​ 

May​​ this testimony quicken all the Elected Bride’s Members in the World, and prove to each one, the powerful Presence of the Lord into this Second–fold of Prophet​​ Branham’s Ministry​​ (Revelation 10:7-2nd​​ fold)​​ raised in​​ Africa, starting from​​ Cameroon​​ (Isaiah 19:19-21, Daniel 2, Matthew 21:43)​​ where the Seven Thunders Message-the Capstone Message​​ (Revelation 10:3-4)​​ is revealed and pasted under​​ THE WRITTEN SERMONS​​ or​​ ’BOOKS & TRACTS SECTION’’​​ of our Website;​​


 ​​​​ May the​​ Lord bless you as you go about reading; in Jesus Christ’s Name; Amen!!!​​ 


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