Shalom Major Prophet Louis Parmena Massock,
Greetings to you in the Most Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ appearing a multitude today on the scene as the Day of the LORD.
All is well with us and we thank the Almighty God for His providence and also for bringing more sheep back to His fold here in Nairobi; Kenya, after they heard about their Identification by hearing the Capstone Message that is now calling out the Elective Faith that was sown in them from the foundation of the world. Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ and whom we are.
We received your mail informing us about the great time that you had with the 1st fold Message Ministers during the coordination meeting and also concerning the level of skepticism and blindness of some to the fulfilment of the promise of the 2nd Riding and sounding of the Great Gospel Trumpet of the Ministry of Prophet William Branham (Revelation 10:7-2nd fold) that is today on the scene in Africa, even among the black sheeps, starting from Cameroon, where God by His predestination and Grace has chosen a Black Sheep (The Odd Person) as the Bride’s Spokesman and an indicator to all Bride Members to seek (quickly) the stored food (7TH Seal/ 7 Thunders Message-The Short & Quick Message stored within the years of plenty i.e 2005-2012) thus to candle the Bride Members in Africa and other Continents, inclusive of New England; U.S.A.
May the Lord have Mercy on His own (His Body Bride) that are still in the yoke of bondage in the 1st fold Message Assemblies; and may He (The Dynamic Spirit) put them along our way so that we may gather them in this hour as His Angels-Messengers (Matthew 24:31) But Glory be to God for they are in His Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4) as the wind (John 3:8) and will certainly and inevitably come out of bondage and be set entirely free (John 8:32) as they are magnetized and identified to the Headstone. AMEN & AMEN!!!
We will be earnestly praying for you and all the Assemblies even as you meet the Denominational Heads in Yaounde this week, so that the Dynamic may open a door for you that the UNWRITTEN WORD OF THE LORD (Revelation 10:3-4) may have FREE COURSE and be glorified as you embark on making manifest the Savour of His Knowledge in every place (2 Thessalonians 3:1, 2 Corinthians 2:14)
We will also more importantly continue praying for the 1st Great International Conference in the History of Humanity scheduled for December 2014; whereby Bro. Billy Paul and Bro. Joseph Branham are also invited.
As usual, kindly pass our warm regards and greetings to THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH (Galatians 6:10) in Cameroon and all over the world.