A Great Warning from the Dynamic power early in the morning around 3:00 am on the 28th of March 2016.
On Sunday night breaking morning, after we had finished battling and we were giving thanks to the Lord, I saw myself in a vision were I was in space; looking round seeing only stars… my eyes then focused on a small white Light. Looking at the small bright Light, it began to grow larger and larger and brighter and brighter until I could no longer bear the brightness of the Light. Whilst in the vision, I remembered that Major Prophet Massock had told us about the Light he saw in his dream so I quickly bowed my head… with my head down, I heard a Voice from the Light saying “I have made the Last Straight Line… the Last Straight Line which all of you know and that is why I have designed and made the Weapons the way they are right now… very; very sharp and more than the Word, fast, because if I allowed you people to go through this road with the former Weapons, none of you would have even reached half way that is why I am saying that no one should fall because no one has any reason to fall. I have fashioned the Weapons in such a manner that anyone who has only a thought with a sincere and clean mind about battling, the Weapons leave without you even knowing and battle for you and came back so I’m saying no one has any right to fall because if you fall, the demons of this hour will not give you any chance to even think of rising up and even to repent; And I WON’T be there for anyone who falls except for those who fall and quickly rise up!!!
I saw two Hands; one Hand was the Dynamic’s while the other was the Bride’s. The two Hands were in such a manner that they were to hold each other but there was a little gap between the two Hands that they could not meet. Then I heard Him saying “I have done all and made you to reach this Stage. This gap left is for you to put your best and final zeal once and for all to hold My Hand. I need to see how everyone is fighting, zealous, consecrated, forgoing all to hold My Hand. It depends now on everyone who wants to hold My Hand because it can take you or anyone even an hour to hold My Hand. It can take you even years to hold My Hand but don’t be late. It is only when you hold My Hand that you will start seeing the fulfillment of all the promises. So hurry up very, very fast and hold My Hand.”
[19th MARCH 2016.]
On the 19th of March when we were in the Morning Prayer then the Lord gave me a vision. I saw an ant hill being built but I noticed that the building instead of growing it was reducing. Then the Dynamic made me to see that there was a pool of water surrounding the ant hill. When I continued observing, I saw how the ants were trying to pass through the pool of water and as they were trying to pass, the water will dissolve the clay. Then the whole place was so muddy that is was very difficult for one to cross.
Whilst observing, I realized that the ant hill was gradually dissolving. Then I heard the Dynamic saying “You think you would bring all this filthy imperfection and build My House? With all your weakness, self-interest, lukewarmness and distraction you will build My House? How do you want to build my House without the Word? Am I not my Word? You have ignored My Messages and you are still ready to kick them. What kind of hardened hearts have you gotten? The Capstone Messages have fallen off your ears. I have given you Weapons but they are useless in your hands. I have sent my rebukes to you but you reject them because they are unpleasant to you. Haven’t I said My House is the House of rebuke and correction? Make the flame so that those who crept unawares should flee.”
I saw a second vision in which a giant tsetse fly was working in the Ministry to inject people with sleep.
I have chosen you, rise, rise, I want to appear. I want to get out.
You people are sleeping, get away from excesses for they are suffocating Me.
Apply all what you are hearing, hold firm to that Sword, get out and speak for I have given you the whole world. Time has come for that.
Have I not spoken and declared this?
I want to get out. I want to get out.
Many are sleeping and are distracted. Wake and don’t waste time; for this time is precious.
You people are a Power.
The world of darkness is shaken because of you.
Yaounde shall be shaken. It shall boil.
You neglect (minimize) yourself; it should not be like that.
You are powerful. You must manifest what is in you. Manifest that Power into all situations.
Walk for I am leading you. Pray at all times and be fortified.
Listen to My Servant; listen to Massock. Make his heart joyful.
My Sword is in you; hold and stretch it forth.
You are blessed.
You are My Mouth, you are My Force and Power according to all what has been taught to you.
Wake up and speak & don’t suffocate Me.
I am boiling to shoot out.
Speak and let the world shut up.
You people should speak and the world should shut up.
The time has reached for Me to carry you; if not you would not be able to move further.
Abandon yourself and let Me carry you.
All that which is in your hand that I hate (abandon it)
Some are strong and some are weak.
But time has come for the Church-goers; the unwilling to change: either to leave or to come back fully.
Feunou Israel
(Muyuka Assembly)
A Thus Saith The Lord; given by Bro. Orock:
I have given you Messages, still yet you are not following. I said in the last- Thus Saith The Lord- on Wednesday 6th March 2013, (the one we read here coming from Eshobi) that we are on the move, but some will fall because they were not predestinated to reach the end; because they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. But others shall stop so that the others will perfect them. So I am telling you that many shall fall because they don’t understand the dimension of My Transparency.
I asked you to sacrifice all to me but you sacrifice and leave some. You rely on your carnal knowledge which- that is not what I want. Do you really understand what is sacrificing all? Read Romans 7:14-24 & 2 Corinthians 7:1.
And you will know that I am not happy because there are some who have crept in us unawares. We have started climbing the Pyramid and others are not even able to keep or to do what I am asking them to do, keep or do. I said that the devil shall not win any stage of the battle but he wins others because they are not doing what I am asking for. But the predestinated – they shall always win and reach the end- Amen!!!!
I will make you sharper than a two-edged Sword. I will sharpen you to pull down; to cast all that runs against My Presence. Against My Holy Anointed.
Charge and re-charge of the whole Word received of the Capstone; for that is where My Power lays. From there comes My Life because I am and I resurrect. Pray and consecrate yourself more. Go forward and become My imitators. There are some that will not understand the dimension of My Transparency.
(Watch the fulfillment starting from 2013).
Come back to yourself. Go and see in 1 Peter 1:9-11,
“Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the Prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the Grace that should come to you: searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified before hand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.”
See inside that Chapter and consider My Prophets, how they were investigating My Word. They considered My Word and made it a point of research & investigation in all their times. They investigated at that period but which was not yet the time into which I was to fulfill all the promises they heard, which were not to be fulfilled in their time. But you have been called, sent and made to be the partakers of these promises.
I have let you know that HUNGER is coming. Verily, verily, I am telling you the truth that Hunger is coming (to fulfill Amos 8:11-12, we read it):
“Behold, the days come, says the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of the Lord…”
I have fed you. Now, fill your vessels, because no vessel is empty but none also of them is full (to flow). And I am still repeating telling you that fill your vessels. Those whose vessels are not complete, let them fill them to complete them and those that have them full at a level, let them fill to overflow.
In the same manner like in the days of Joseph in Egypt that, the Nation of Egypt and other Nations around were all smitten with seven (7) years of famine (Genesis 41); and that with God’s Wisdom, Joseph had succeeded in keeping food to sustain the Egyptians and other Nations that came to them within the 7 years.
Like manner all of you, my Sons and Daughters fill yourselves and fill your vessels with the food (The Third Pull Messages) that I have fed you within these Seven years that has passed so that you can now face the other Seven years of Hunger that I have announced, that it is coming. Your Nation (Cameroon) is now like the Nation of Egypt at that time; that had food on the face of the whole world. It’s now You, all my Sons and Daughters who are going to feed all the other Sons and Daughters all over the whole world. From you here (in Cameroon), from the food you have; because Hunger will force all of them (Sons and Daughters) to look for food. You are the people to feed them with what you have. It is in the function/in the Anointing of Joseph that you are going to share the food to people, Nations, as they will be coming to look for it from you (in Cameroon)…Amen.
(Seen in 2013)
The testimony of this vision was given by Pastor Leo during the “Ministers meeting” that was held in LAGOS in November 2013 at “THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND LIFE TABERNACLE” of Pastor George. Thus he spoke saying:
“The Lord God has shown to me this same single vision three times: I have seen how there was standing a big and white vehicle (a Car); and on its side was pasted a large Picture of a Woman (The Laodicean Church of the called ones) who was carrying a child (The Word-Born Bride taken out from the Church by the Capstone Message-Revelation 12:5); and on it, was written: “CAMEROON; THE SOLUTION CENTER.” Amen!
‘’Preach everywhere. Preach in all places. Hold the Shield of Faith. What must perish are those who will be distracted. All those who are having distractions or love the world are going to perish. Therefore, no pleasures and no distractions for them that must live.’’
(Given in the year 2012)
She said that she saw in a dream how many Brethren from South Africa have come to Cameroon Republic to get the Capstone Messages.
N.B:-A prophecy was also given that this shall be fulfilled in its due time.
I, Bro. Pascal, on the 22nd July 2012, was sleeping in my father’s house and saw a writing on the wall of the room that said as follows:
I have nourished you and made you fat; My people of Israel, and you have abandoned Me.
Then I fell down, still in the vision, on the ground and started weeping and asked the Lord: ‘’How have we abandoned you?’’ Then God said to me:
Open and read the Book of Malachi. I read the Book and the Lord started saying to me:
I have nourished you but you are asking me how I have nourished you.
I have given you the Most Delicate Food prepared by the Greatest Cook that all the Ages have never got.
I have given you the Food prepared by the Angel of the Covenant given to John in the Patmos Island.
I have given to you the Bread of Life; that whosoever eats it cannot get hungry again.
I have given you the Water of Life, the one that when somebody has drunk, he cannot feel thirsty again.
I have given you the Living Word; the Hidden Word that since the existence of time; even Angels ignored and that only My Spirit searcheth the Word; the Word that since the earth began no generation has ever heard during the 7 years. (2005-2012)
I have made you to know the Greatest and Hidden Mysteries.
I have given you Hidden Names which even the Prophets of old tried to know, but was kept for beloved ones of this End of the end times.
I have given you the knowledge which no human on earth can claim of having received, and I even taught you a New way to pray to Me.
You have eaten that Word, you have become fat and you have abandoned Me.
You, My Sacrificators, you offer to Me lame and filthy sacrifices and you said within you, I have not abandoned God.
Do you ignore that, I do not live in houses that are made by the hands of men? But that, I dwell in My own House-the Christ’s Body and you have dirtied My House all the day and all the night and you say how? By your transgressions, by your lusts & dirty envies.
You have dirtied My Holy Temple.
My Sons have gotten lust of the daughters of Jezebel and My Daughters have gotten lust of the sons of Cain, and all have been followed by nightmare sexuality and eating food which people eat in the night; food offered to the honor of demons. Thus making My House to become a sanctuary of harlotry and My Holy yard impure. My Daughters have continually changed the natural veil into an artificial veil. They conformed to girls outside.
See, you are abusing, you are quarrelling, you entertain wrath. Do you not know that the wrath of man does not fulfill My righteousness?
You have in My House a strange fire; does lust not be fire in that, it eats up the soul of a sinner? But you have fed it day and night by your dirty thinking, thus dirtying My Holy City. Because I have kept quiet; for people imagine that I am like you, that I resemble you? But I am going to rebuke you and prove everything before your eyes.
But what? You believe that because I have healed you when you were sick, clothed you when you were naked, given you women, given you children that you think that; I am happy with you? That I am happy with your conduct? Your dirty thoughts? A man even when his son does not respect him and is stubborn; the man gives him (his son) at least food to eat, clothes him, treats him when he is sick, not because the man is happy; but that, the son is going to change one day. I AM THAT GOOD FATHER, rich in compassion and in Love.
If I have given you these things, if I have fed you, nourished you, it’s because I love you. I have done these same things for Israel in the wilderness; they walked under the Pillar of Fire and the Cloud, they ate Manna, drank water from the rock and I healed them from their diseases; but they preferred their idols; murmuring against Me, preferring their lust than My Word. I have destroyed all that generation in the wilderness except Joshua and Caleb for their hearts and thoughts were attached to My Word.
Therefore, ‘’Repent ye and stop your transgressions.’’ You said: you are My Sacrificators; that is true. But observe how Israel’s Sacrificators were behaving under the Levitical Priesthood, they had only their portion in the Temple, they were guards of the Tabernacle of the Covenant, of the hidden manna, of the Rod of Aaron that bore flowers, keeping the tablets of the Laws. They were doing services day and night. And you people, My Sacrificators according to the order of MELCHISEDEC who have the Most Excellent Ministry that has never been given to any Age.
I have made you guards of the Hidden Manna, the Hidden Mysteries of the time of the Messages of the Capstone, that is: ‘’Jesus Christ Unveiled.’’ I have given you the knowledge and the depth of God; but see, you do not consecrate even half of your time to read, meditate, and put in practice My Word; to pray and to teach others to practice it.
‘’Come back very, very fast with all your heart, with all your thought, with all your force; to My Word.’’
For behold!!! “I have drawn My Rope, let those who have ears to hear understand.’’
(End of 2013)
‘’I will smite this house with plagues.’’ Then I asked to Him that talked to me. ‘’Can you do something without making it known to your Prophets?’’ The Lord replied: ‘’ That is why I have come to you that, this is what I want to do. Just wait when I finish writing MY NAME on your shoulders.’’
‘’You people are going to smite your entourage without you knowing or being aware.’’
Israel asked Moses to see the Glory of God. But God does not move in the midst of filthiness. That is why the Holiness of Moses destroyed the children of Israel when they were moving in the wilderness.
Elisha My Prophet by looking at the 42 children; and only the thought that came in him destroyed the children who were laughing at him. ‘’The prayer is in the secret of the heart, to pull him (Satan) down.’’ To cast all imaginations and strongholds. The Power to pull them down is in you (from within)
I heard how the Lord was talking to me using the voice of Major Prophet Louis Massock that, ‘’all My Sons and Daughters must abort.’’ Then I, Bro. Pascal asked to the Lord: ‘’How can a Son abort?’’ The God directed me to read the Book of James 1:13-15: ‘’ Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man; but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. But when lust is conceived, it bringeth forth sin and when sin is finished, it bringeth forth death.’’
(Seen in the beginning of 2013)
The Lord said that ‘’the time of mixing up has passed.’’ I have dressed My Rope. The greatest and most important battles have started. I have clothed My Sons and Daughters with a Shield that is an invincible Weapon. The enemy can no more win the battle.
‘’The Stages of Perfection and the Stature of Perfection are the only thing that will overcome him ‘the wicked one.’’ The Word has been given. Sanctify yourselves and empty your Inner-man. All the disobedient shall be punished for you shall be soon completed.
I have changed you to change them; for, that is where I shall meet you. I have enriched you and nourished you.
I have given you all (The Written and the Unwritten Word). Purify yourselves and be Holy and walk with Wisdom and in the fear of the Lord. Be Holy and be fervent in Spirit. I have told you and I am telling you that ‘’Ye are Gods.’’ Yes, ye are and be blessed.’’
(Seen in the beginning of 2013)