A GREAT MOMENT IS OFFERED TO THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IN DOUALA. CAMEROON IS HONORED BY THE ALMIGHTY GOD FOR THE HOLDING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AT THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE OF DOUALA, FROM WED 12TH TO SAT 15TH APRIL 2017. The Almighty God by inaugurating a NEW ERA in the present world for the fulfilment of the Promises of His Prophetic Word and the Achievement of His Salvation’s Program, has chosen by predestination ‘’CAMEROON REPUBLIC’’ as the POWER OF AFRICA AND THE CENTRE OF ALL THE SOLUTIONS OF THE WORLD. At this fact, God having raised up from the people His Last Major Prophet who saw Him as He is, has sent this Messenger with the Revelation of God’s Unwritten Mystery of Revelation 10:3-4 and the knowledge of the 7TH Seal of Silence of Revelation 8:1 to make known to all His Elected ones into all the religious communities: Christians, Muslims etc…..of the whole world. WHERE GOD COMES FROM? WHO IS HE? WHERE IS HE? HOW IS HE? (His Nature, His Shape, His Color; in brief….His Being) HOW TO FIND HIM OR GO TO HIM? THE REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY OF DEATH (What and how is death? What is its purpose? How will be its end?) AND RESURRECTION. THE DIFFERENT EVENTS THAT PRECEDE THE MILLENIUM OR ANNOUNCE THE END OF THE NEW WORLD SATANIC ORDER. WHY AND HOW GOD HAS CHOSEN THE NATION OF CAMEROON. (For the purpose of Adoption, Perfection and Glorification of the Elected of God in the world) This will fulfill the Promised Word of Jesus Christ saying, ‘’You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free’’ (John 8:32) N.B:-During these days, the ‘’unknown’’ shall be made ‘’known’’ and the ‘’unseen’’ ‘’seen.’’ You: Rev, Bishop, Imam………………………………………………………is therefore brotherly invited with your Congregation to assist or participate in this GREAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE which will be held at the Professional Training Centre of Excellence in DOUALA from Wednesday 12TH to Saturday 15TH APRIL 2017. TIME:-Morning from 9:30am to 1:30pm and Evening from 4:00pm to 8:00pm daily. (There shall be carrying on of Praises, Deliverance Services, Healing Services, and Great Prayer times for our Nation and its people) May the Lord richly bless you as you come. Contact: (+237) 675111117/ 694843223 MAJOR PROPHET LOUIS PARMENA MASSOCK