You are ‘’The Christ of Today,’’ says the Spirit of the Lord.

There is a difference between the true Christ and the false ones;​​ for the true Christ is free and gives freedom to those who love the Truth and live in holiness.​​ The Prophet of Today is you.

I say and confirm it.​​ Be not troubled no matter what.

If My whole Word abides in you and you do not even see signs in heaven, rejoice.​​ A Great One needs not to make noise to inform the blind that He is Lord and King.​​ You are not doing what you want, but what I want.

​​ Should I waste time on things that pass away?​​ I am the Lord and I’m busy about what is Eternal.

Does a grown up Son still need milk or breast milk?​​ He provides for himself food in due time, says the Lord of Armies.

I have established you in Cameroon and in the entire world. Believe it. I repeat; in Cameroon and the whole world.

Believe Me; I love you My brethren.​​ Expect greater things.​​ Kings shall bow, Kingdoms shall flee from My Presence.

I emphasize, believe!!! My beloved, the seed falls down, dies to bear much fruits. Many shall not see Me.​​ But for those that I have chosen, there is a treasure hidden in you. Make it appear. I am thirsty!!!

Do you believe because you have seen miracles? Miracles are for children; but My Word is for Elders.

Yes, you are the Firstborn.


Assembly of Douala (Cameroon)

Audible Message received by Bro. Jean Francois during​​ a Sermon​​ preaching​​ by Major Prophet Massock Louis on Friday 11th​​ January 2007.

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