Today the field of​​ Christianity​​ is full of many​​ kinds or forms of Ministries​​ which all claimed to have as​​ base”: the Scriptures of the Bible.

Unfortunately those various Ministries,​​ systematically denominated​​ themselves under “Christianity” and appeared like a set​​ up series of organizations un-recommended​​ by God​​ who has​​ never been​​ neither their Author​​ nor Promoter.

​​ But​​ contrary to those Ministries fabricated and raised up by men​​ ,​​ the Ministry​​ established in the New​​ Testament Church with its​​ five-folds​​ ministerial gifts:​​ Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers​​ (Ephesians​​ 4:10-16); got its origin from the Scriptures​​ after the first coming of the Lord; then ​​​​ Paul reported to us,​​ saying:

“Now​​ of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: we have such an​​ High Priest, who is set on the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heaven; a Minister of the Sanctuary, and of​​ the True Tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not ManBut now He obtained a “More Excellent Ministry”,​​ by how much also He​​ is the mediator of a better Covenant, which was established​​ upon better promises.”​​ (Hebrews 8:1,​​ 2,​​ 6).

Beloved​​ Brethren, we are hereby called​​ to minister​​ the​​ Good and Pure Gospel;​​ to deal with​​ the​​ “More Excellent Ministry”, which​​ is also called ​​ “Christ Jesus Ministry”​​ and​​ which​​ our​​ “High Priest and​​ Minister – Jesus Christ​​ obtained for​​ us; and​​ into which He,​​ as​​ the Head of the Body,​​ dedicated all​​ His Body Members:​​ “The Bride’s Members.

It was about this introduced​​ “Ministry​​ of the Spirit​​ that Apostle Peter talking about Judas Iscariot, said in the upper room​​ (Acts 1: 17):

“For he​​ (Judas)​​ was numbered with us,​​ and had obtained part of this Ministry.”​​ (Acts 1:17)

Then talking about Mathias who was chosen to take Judas position Peter said:

“That he​​ (Mathias)​​ may take part of this Ministry and Apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place​​ (Acts​​ 1:25).

Then Apostle Paul confirmed that​​ we​​ who form​​ the very body,​​ being baptized by the same Spirit (1 Corinthians​​ 12: 13),​​ are all Partakers​​ of the same​​ More Excellent Ministry, saying in​​ 2 Corinthians:

“For as much as​​ ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ​​ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God…​​ who also hath made us​​ able​​ Ministers​​ of the New Testament​​ (Ministry),​​ not of the letter​​ (that many​​ misinterpret)​​ but of the Spirit​​ (that binds the Body Members)For if​​ the ministration of condemnation be glory.​​ Much more doth the​​ ministration of righteousness​​ exceed in glory”​​ (2​​ Corinthians 3:3, 9)

And he added again​​ by​​ saying:

Therefore seeing we have​​ this Ministry, as we have received​​ mercy, we faint not”​​ (2 Corinthians 4:1)



Brethren, compared to any​​ other​​ previous Ministry that could be “Excellent” such as: Moses’s​​ Ministry or Elijah’s Ministry, the Ministry of Jesus Christ was and​​ is​​ “More Excellent”​​ because of:

  • Its Origin: it’s from above – It’s Heavenly​​ and True.

  • Its Ministration:​​ which is of the Spirit of the Word of righteousness (under the Grace),​​ is More​​ Excellent in glory than the Ministration of the Law under Moses.​​ That is, the​​ Ministry of Jesus leads all His​​ elected ones​​ to​​ “Glorification”​​ ​​ (2 Corinthians​​ 3: 9)

  • Its Tabernacle: it functions​​ and it’s being revealed today, as​​ the True Living and Permanent​​ Tabernacle​​ of God​​ (Revelation​​ 21:2-3):​​ “the Body Bride – The House​​ and the Indwelling Place​​ of God​​ (Hebrews​​ 3: 6);​​ which​​ House​​ was​​ not built by the hands of men,​​ but was​​ pitched or​​ erected​​ by​​ God​​ Himself; being thus:​​ “God’s Masterpiece.

No​​ wonder​​ Apostle Paul could say in Ephesians​​ that:

For​​ we are His workmanship, created​​ in Christ Jesus​​ unto Good works, which God hath before​​ ordained that we should walk in them”​​ (Ephesians 2:10)

And​​ Paul​​ clarified​​ again​​ sayings in Hebrews:

But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, by​​ a Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle,​​ not made with hands​​ (like Moses​​ own),​​ that is to say, not of​​ this building​​ (on earth built by Solomon​​ or​​ Zerubbabel)...​​ (Hebrews 9:11)

  • Its​​ Covenant: it​​ has​​ the More Excellent​​ Covenant​​ –​​ The New Covenant, which is faultless and signed, not upon the two tablets like what​​ Israel​​ got,​​ but upon the fleshly heart, into the elected ones.​​ (Hebrews​​ 8: 10-13)

  • Its Promises: they​​ are​​ also the​​ Best​​ Promises​​ found​​ and revealed today so that the elected ones, being led by​​ the Capstone Message-the Seven Thunders Message,​​ become the Partakers​​ of the​​ “Divine Nature”​​ (2 Peter 1:4)​​ and​​ “High Calling”​​ of God​​ (Philippians​​ 3:14).

  • Its Law: It’s the More Excellent Law,​​ which​​ must​​ be vindicated into the Bride’s Members as:​​ “the Law of Liberty​​ and Perfection. (James​​ 1: 25, 2:8, 12, Galatians 6:2, Romans 3:27, 8:2).

  • Its Sacrifice:​​ It was​​ offered once and for all for us​​ on Calvary​​ (Hebrews​​ 10:10), and whose​​ Blood purges the Bride’s Members Conscience​​ and Sub-conscience​​ from dead works​​ (Hebrews​​ 9:14); and​​ redeems them​​ from​​ vain conversations​​ received by traditions​​ from the fathers​​ (1​​ Peter​​ 1:18-19).

  • Its Great Sacrificator:​​ He is therefore established according to the​​ “Order of Melchisedek” and not of Aaron​​ (Hebrews​​ 7:17).​​ To Him Jesus, was​​ also given​​ “the More Excellent Name”​​ (Hebrews​​ 1: 4).

  • Its Priesthood:​​ It’s a Royal Priesthood, that is the Priesthood of the King (1​​ Peter​​ 2:9).​​ It’s permanent, and continually present on earth​​ (Hebrews​​ 7: 3).

  • Its Message:​​ It’s the whole​​ Word of God,​​ both​​ Written​​ (Read)​​ and​​ Unwritten​​ (Spoken). It’s​​ full of Grace,​​ mostly​​ in​​ this​​ “Age of the Bride”​​ in which​​ Jesus Christ is re-preached to the Nations.​​ (Acts 3:19-21, Revelation 10:8-11)​​ It’s​​ that​​ Grace which, having taught​​ us​​ to renounce and deny​​ ungodliness (Titus 2:11-12), and​​ the love of the​​ things of the​​ world which is in​​ enmity​​ to God​​ (1​​ John​​ 2:15-17, James 4:4),​​ has finally made known to the elected Bride’s Members​​ under the Capstone Message, the​​ STAGES TO PERFECTION​​ or​​ HOW TO BECOME PERFECT”;​​ (which is​​ different from​​ THE STATURE OF THE PERFECT MAN​​ taught to us by Prophet W. M. Branham).

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ This​​ Message​​ (its 2nd-fold)​​ which​​ today​​ can be​​ heard​​ by all, is and will be only received and believed​​ by the elected ones,​​ in whom it​​ brings​​ forth,​​ calls​​ or manifest​​ from within them​​ “Our Faith – the Faith of Jesus​​ (1 John 5:4, Revelation 14:12)​​ that becomes​​ Perfect and​​ Rapturing Faith;​​ and which​​ Faith​​ was distributed to the Saints once and for all before the foundation of the world (Jude 3, Hebrews​​ 4: 2).

​​ The More Excellent Ministry was brought by​​ the​​ More Excellent Minister-Jesus Christ​​ into​​ the More​​ Excellent dispensation​​ also called:​​ “the dispensation of the fullness​​ of Time”;​​ according to​​ Galatians​​ 4: 4-5​​ that​​ says:

But when​​ the fullness of the time​​ was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the Law,​​ to redeem​​ them​​ that were​​ under the Law, that we might receive​​ the Adoption​​ of sons.”​​ (Galatians 4:4-5)

​​ Notice that the coming forth of the​​ “fullness of the time”​​ bears​​ a​​ two-folds​​ of “God’s Program​​ to be fulfilled”:

First fold:​​ 

 ​​ ​​​​ When the dispensation of the​​ fullness of the time came (1st​​ fold), it set in or brought in​​ “Redemption.​​ In One Body member-the Head,​​ (Ephesians 5:23,​​ 1 Corinthians 12:12-1st​​ fold)​​ Christ​​ Jesus, appeared as​​ the Redeemer,​​ the​​ Author and the Finisher of our Faith​​ (Hebrews 12:2) manifested​​ by the Preaching of the Gospel​​ into all the elected ones.​​ ​​ (Romans 10:17)​​ But in​​ this first-fold,​​ He never finished the​​ Faith.​​ The More Excellent Ministry​​ was not completed. This is what led​​ Prophet W. Branham to say that:

When He​​ (Christ Jesus)​​ was here –​​ He did not complete all when He was here; for it was not yet time​​ (120-2…THE.SPOKEN.WORD.IS.THE.ORIGINAL.SEED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-2​​ SUNDAY_ 62-0318).

Second Fold:​​ 

 ​​​​ Apostle Paul​​ Prophesied​​ about the​​ coming​​ soon​​ of the Second -​​ fold in​​ Ephesians​​ 1: 9-10:

Having made known unto us the​​ Mystery of His Will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself: that in​​ the dispensation of the fullness​​ of the times​​ He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both​​ which are​​ in​​ heaven, and which are on earth; even​​ in​​ Him.”​​ (Ephesians 1:9-10)

 ​​ ​​​​ Behold, we consider that​​ “the Bride’s Age”, which is​​ the Groom’s Age​​ belongs​​ to the​​ Dispensation of the fullness of Time. Thus​​ in this 2nd-fold,​​ Christ​​ in whom all things must be gathered,​​ is not that Single Body Member in the Head Position;​​ but rather,​​ He appears in​​ “the shape”​​ of​​ His​​ many Members​​ that form the same Body​​ (1​​ Corinthians​​ 12:12-2nd​​ fold),​​ the Bride’s Members: The Anointed – One, the Christ​​ who was pointed by Prophet Branham,​​ to appear on the scene after him; just like John the Baptist did.​​ (See the​​ Home​​ Page​​ of our Website:​​ www.ministryofachievement.com)​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ In this​​ second fold​​ of the fullness of Time,​​ CHRIST- the Bride Word”​​ who is​​ on the scene,​​ must​​ achieve​​ the second-fold of the More Excellent Ministry​​ (Hebrews 8:6-2nd​​ fold)​​ raised by Jesus;​​ which​​ Ministry​​ was called by Prophet Branham and the Lord through a vision shown to Major Prophet​​ Massock:​​ the Ministry of Achievement​​ (of​​ the More Excellent Ministry). It’s this Ministry (a Gift)​​ which, having as​​ purpose:​​ the Adoption– the​​ Placing​​ of​​ the​​ Elect,​​ (Galatians 4:5)​​ ​​ is now gathering​​ them with the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders​​ (Revelation 8:1, 10:3-4)​​ Message​​ (today revealed),​​ out from the divided 1st-fold​​ Message​​ groups,​​ (Revelation 3:14-18, Jude 19)​​ to the Headstone,​​ (Zechariah 4:6-7)​​ to​​ which they are magnated and identified.​​ (1 John 4:17)​​ Amen!

 ​​​​ It’s therefore​​ the Anointed Bride,​​ the Christ​​ of Today, who being​​ manifested into​​ many Members​​ on the​​ scene,​​ is​​ the Finisher of our Faith​​ (Hebrews 12:2-2nd​​ fold) (the gatherer of all those into whom the Elective Faith​​ (Titus 1:1)​​ or the Faith of Jesus-our Common Faith​​ (Revelation 14:12, Titus 1:4)​​ dwells by Predestination before the Foundation of the world).

This is the Ministry that was announced by Prophet Branham​​ and for which he said:

“Now, we’re going to have, we got a Ministry coming, that’s just exactly like the life of Christ. What does​​ that “Ministry” identify? The Coming of the Lord​​ (for the Ministry – to Achieve His Program)​​ (34…ADOPTION.4_ JEFF.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_ 60-0522E)

Then he explained again by saying:

“This is “my Ministry”: to declare​​ (like John the Baptist)​​ that He is here”​​ (E-102…FROM.THAT.TIME_ SPOKANE.WA FRIDAY_ 62-0713)

“Revelation book shows us​​ that there will be a return of Him​​ (JESUS)​​ in the last day to the Gentile Church. A​​ sign how they miss it? He’s prophesied to come again​​ (to achieve His Ministry –that is the Ministry of Achievement)​​ just before the “Great and Second Coming” of the Lord”.​​ The Second great coming is the Rapture’’​​ (180…A.TRUE.SIGN.THAT'S.OVERLOOKED_ JEFF.IN​​ V-6 N-2​​ SUNDAY_​​ 61-1112)

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Do we understand that, before​​ the Rapture (which is the​​ Second​​ Great​​ Coming of the Lord),​​ there will be a return of Him​​ (JESUS-CHRIST)​​ for the​​ second-fold of His Ministry​​ (Hebrews 8:6-2nd​​ fold): which is​​ “Adoption”​​ (Galatians​​ 4:5).​​ Here He appears through the Body made of many Members.​​ (1 Corinthians 12:12-2nd​​ fold, John 12:20-24, Isaiah 53:10)​​ This fulfills​​ the 7th​​ Seal.​​ (Revelation 8:1)

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ This will be more made known​​ unto the brethren through​​ the Seven Thunders Message that will be coming to you and testimonies that will be given to you​​ about my meetings with Bro. Branham in​​ the​​ Heavenly Places.​​ ​​ No wonder the Scriptures confirm this truth saying in​​ Acts 3: 20-21:

And He shall send JESUS CHRIST again​​ (to Achieve His Ministry)​​ which before was preached unto you.​​ Whom​​ (Jesus Christ​​ sent)​​ the Heaven must receive​​ until​​ the time of restitution of all things,​​ which God has spoken by the mouth of all His Holy Prophets since the world began.​​ (Acts 3:20-21)

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ It was about​​ this coming of Jesus​​ (through the Body Bride) for the Achievement or completion of​​ this second-fold of the More Excellent Ministry​​ based on:​​ “Humility, Love and Forgiveness”​​ said the Lord​​ that, Prophet W.M.​​ Branham​​ prophesied,​​ sayings:

“When I preach my last sermon, close the Bible, and walk away the last time, and the work’s over​​ (End of 1st​​ fold of W.M. Branham’s Ministry),​​ He​​ (Christ Jesus)​​ will be there​​ (being pointed by W.​​ M.​​ Branham). Yes, Sir.​​ And just as sure as I believe that​​ He​​ (Jesus Christ)​​ is coming​​ (to Achieve His​​ Ministry),​​ when He comes again​​ (His 2nd​​ fold – Acts 3: 20-21).​​ I​​ (W. Branham’s Anointing becoming a Person)​​ will be there,​​ too.​​ Yes Sir.​​ (E-69…GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 57-0407M)



​​ In​​ May​​ 2005, while​​ being​​ in​​ prayer on Mt. CAMEROON, in the​​ broad daylight around 5 pm,​​ ​​ I got into a vision – in which, the Lord JESUS-CHRIST appeared to me, standing before​​ the little​​ wooden tent, which I paid attention to observe while He was commanding me saying:​​ 

“Go down to​​ Douala, for the time has come for​​ me​​ to start​​ the Ministry that must Achieve My Program for the Salvation of Humanity.​​ 

NB:​​ This little tent seen in a vision by Prophet Branham, and which the form and dimensions were shown to me on Mount Cameroon​​ by the Lord,​​ in the retreat place​​ where He asked​​ me​​ to​​ be going up​​ to​​ since April 2004,​​ just like​​ Moses and Elijah​​ went up​​ and the purposes were fulfilled.​​ That little tent in a great tent shall both be built only under a Prophetic Ministry​​ announced to come on the scene after Bro. Branham.

And the Lord added​​ by​​ saying:

 ​​​​ “This Ministry shall be based on: Humility, Love and Forgiveness. Nobody will come into it by himself; for it’s I, the​​ Lord God who will bring into it all those​​ that were predestinated.

About all those who shall be partakers of​​ that Ministry; Bro. Branham said​​ in​​ (20-1, 15-5….GOD.CALLED.MAN_​​ JEFF.IN​​ V-2 N-27 SUNDAY_​​ 58-1005E)​​ that,​​ ‘’God will never use​​ a coward, but​​ He will find for Himself men and women of​​ big hearts​​ before whom the world​​ (Kings, etc…)​​ shall bow…’’

Afterwards,​​ on November​​ 28th​​ 2005,​​ this Divine Commission, recommendation and “Message – 2nd​​ fold” were given to me with​​ the Key-Word.​​ It was 4 pm,​​ when​​ I was​​ seated​​ in the Parlor, reading my​​ Bible;​​ I suddenly and audibly heard the Lord’s Voice saying this unto me:​​ 

​​ “The Nations haven’t received Me, Jesus-Christ must be re-preached to the Nations,​​ (Then I suddenly​​ said:​​ What?’ And God’s Voice replied:)​​ Yes,​​ Paul​​ preached to them “Jesus Christ Crucified’’​​ and that meant nothing to them; therefore​​ I send you​​ to preach to them “Jesus-Christ Unveiled”​​ (then I repeated ‘unveiled?’ the Voice replied again:)​​ Yes, for Adoption, for the Gathering of all My Sons and Daughters, I send you with that Message.​​ Afterwards, I felt​​ like Someone sitting​​ inside me, then I heard now the same Voice saying in me:​​ Open,​​ Acts 3: 19-21; Matthew 24:31; Galatians 4:4-5; Ephesians​​ 1:9-10.”

Brethren, today that Ministry​​ so​​ much​​ expected​​ after Prophet Branham left,​​ by the believers of the Message-first fold,​​ is today​​ raised by God in our midst, present​​ in​​ AFRICA​​ pointed by Bro. Branham, like “the Junction of time – the End of the​​ road for the​​ Dispensation of the Gentiles,​​ and starting from​​ CAMEROON REPUBLIC, chosen by God for the Second Riding of the Message-second fold in the world.

It was about this very Ministry that Prophet Branham said:

“Will you come right now in the Presence of His Spirit? You’ll never see anything​​ (like a​​ Revival for the Church)​​ happen greater until you see the Coming of the Lord​​ (for this Achievement​​ Ministry). Now​​ remember surely I know what I’m speaking of, or​​ He should not grant the​​ MINISTRY​​ (330…SPIRIT.OF.TRUTH_ PHOENIX.AZ FRIDAY_ 63-0118)

NB:​​ There is no great thing again​​ for the Church (the called – ones)​​ until​​ the 2nd​​ – fold of the Earthly Ministry of Jesus-Christ comes​​ to achieve His Program through the Bride’s Members – the elected​​ ones for Adoption;​​ gathered​​ by the Capstone Messages​​ (The​​ Seven Thunders Message), now revealed by God,​​ that magnates​​ them out of the Church, positions the elected-ones who have come out from the divided groups of the​​ passed​​ Laodicea​​ Church-Age​​ since year 2005; so that they should be identified to the Headstone, and be​​ ​​ finally set​​ in Action.​​ That​​ is the purpose of the​​ Ministry of Achievement.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Yes!​​ The Lord Jesus​​ revealed​​ and made me to know​​ that,​​ the​​ time of the Churches has passed, that the Laodicean Church Age ended in 2005​​ when He raised up in Cameroon,​​ the Anointing and the awaited 2nd​​ Portion of the Message of the Prophetic Ministry of Prophet Branham​​ who said:​​ At that moment the Anointing becomes a Person.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ It is for that reason that, this Ministry is actually on the scene​​ (confirmed by​​ many​​ testimonies of​​ the Pulls​​ recorded in our Website).​​ (See the Vindication of Pulls Page in our Website)​​ And it’s through this More Excellent Ministry (2nd-Fold) that God, the Creative and Dynamic Power spoke to me in the Retreat place shown on Mount Cameroon​​ by:

  • Explaining to me why​​ God gave a clear visible Sword to Prophet Branham​​ at SABINO CANYON?

  • Revealing to me the Message of the Seven Thunders/Seventh Seal.​​ (Revelation 10:3-4, 8:1)

  • Revealing or unveiling to me​​ the unread writing​​ by Prophet Branham, found into the​​ Pyramid whose​​ head was cut, and that light had never flashed on, seen​​ in​​ vision.​​ 

  • Revealing and unveiling to me the​​ “New Name of Jesus”​​ (Revelation 2:17,​​ 3:12,​​ 19:11-13)​​ expected to be known​​ under the Revelation of the Seven Thunders (said Bro. Branham).

  • Revealing to me​​ all the Stages to Perfection” or “How to become perfect”?​​ Which are different from “the Stature of a Perfect Man”.​​ And​​ How to reach or attain​​ the Perfect and Rapturing Faith​​ yielded by the Capstone Message.

  • Revealing and giving to me the Message on: “the Seven Plagues/ Seven Bowls​​ (Vials).​​ (Revelation 8, 9, 15, 16)

  • Revealing and asking me to explain to the world: “Why and when​​ Russia will bomb and destroy the USA of America and the State of VATICAN​​ (Prophecy already declared​​ by Prophet Branham).

  • Explaining to me​​ how to bring forth the Kingdom of God, which​​ the manifestation requires the use of violence​​ over the Kingdom of Satan​​ (Matthew​​ 11:12, Luke 16:16).

  • Explaining in detail to me what the​​ “Seven Dimensions”​​ are all about.

  • Revealing to me​​ the Secrets and Laws of His Household, related to the Preparation and Spiritual Equipping of the Bride-Word to​​ face the Anti-Christ System, the Great Tribulation, before the First Resurrection and the Rapture​​ of the Elected ones,​​ the Born​​ of God,​​ the​​ Wise Virgins​​ (2 Thessalonians 2: 1- 10; Revelation​​ 20:4-5).

  • Revealing and making known​​ through the JOSHUA’s Message today revealed,​​ “How the Bride’s members must fulfill their Obedience, before starting to punish the disobedient​​ (2​​ Corinthians​​ 10:6).

  • Revealing and laying out to me through the Capstone’s Message, the “Order or Process of the Events that are​​ ending the Program of God; “How Satan shall be arrested”;​​ “How the White Throne Judgment​​ shall take place; etc…’’

  • Explaining to me the difference between: “A born again”​​ (the Foolish Virgins)​​ and “A Born of God”​​ (the Wise Virgins).​​ And saying that, it’s only a Born of God that shall be raptured.

  • Revealing to me for the Bride’s Ministry purpose, through the Thunders Message, the whole manifold wisdom of God; according to​​ (Ephesians​​ 3:9-10).

  • Revealing​​ and explaining to me “Why did He (God) choose Cameroon in Africa:​​ the Junction of time, the end of the road of the Dispensation of the Gentiles.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Once Prophet Branham said that, there were two things that Jesus​​ never​​ explained to the world during His First earthly Ministry:

  • How to eat His flesh and drink His blood in​​ order to be raised up and get Eternal​​ Life?​​ (John​​ 6:53-57). But many wrong interpretations came out saying that, Jesus was talking about “the Lord’s Supper”-​​ No​​ Sir!​​ 

  • How could He come down from Heaven, as the Son of Man, and​​ at the same time​​ be in Heaven?​​ (John​​ 3:13).

Today, the Revelation and the detailed​​ answer about these two great declarations​​ have been given to the Bride’s Members under “the 2nd​​ – Fold of the More Excellent Ministry of Jesus Christ”​​ through His Authorized Mouth.​​ 

NB:​​ We should understand that, all these​​ revelations and explanations​​ given by God, are just the​​ fulfillment of many promises, visions, prophetic messages declared by Prophet W. M. Branham. Now God, by so doing, proves and confirms the authenticity of the Message – First​​ fold​​ given to Prophet Branham; upon which is today founded the Second Portion of the Message.

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ It is​​ only in​​ the Bride’s​​ Ministry raised up today to achieve​​ His Program;​​ that God has come and made known, after giving​​ to me​​ “the Key-Word”:

 ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ “Where God comes from? How He is: His Nature, His Shape, His Colour, in brief His Being? Where He is? How to go to Him or find Him?”​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And Prophet Branham to say in the Message​​ (35…A.GUIDE_ JEFF.IN V-12 N-7 SUNDAY_​​ 62-1014E):

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ “…He’ll guide you to it. That’s the reason of the coming of the Seals. At the finishing of the​​ Seventh Seal, the Mystery of God should be finished:-​​ (1)​​ To know who God is.​​ (2)​​ What He is.​​ (3)​​ How He lives.​​ (4)​​ His Nature.​​ (5)​​ His​​ Being. You’re Supposed to be all the way up here by that time, bring us into the full​​ Statue of Sons and Daughters of God.​​ A Church that is washed in the Blood of Christ”.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  ​​ ​​​​ ​​ Do you see, we’re in the​​ 7th​​ Seal/ 7 Thunders​​ Message the Mystery of God mentioned above is revealed to bring forth into manifestation​​ all the predestinated Sons and Daughters of God made Perfect.​​ (Matthew 5:48, Colossians 1:28, Hebrews 13:20-21)

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ To do what​​ Prophet Branham? He replied:​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ “… the next thing​​ is:​​ Action of the Church​​ (the Body Bride’s Members)​​ or either we are going to lost it”​​ (168…THE.SUPER.SIGN_ SHREVEPORT.LA​​ V-17​​ N-7 FRIDAY_63-1129)

 ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Then he added:

“The​​ last thing is that the Church​​ (the Body-Bride)​​ is going to see, is Christ​​ (Jesus formed into her-Galatians 4:19)​​ manifested​​ (on the scene, in action)​​ in His Power, in fullness…’’​​ (129…INVESTMENTS_CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-5 SATURDAY_63-0803B)

 ​​ ​​​​ 

Yes, Christ​​ Jesus​​ More Excellent​​ Ministry​​ (in its​​ 2nd​​ fold),​​ is​​ His Ministry of Achievement​​ of His Program,​​ which is “the Bride-Word’s​​ Ministry​​ -The Capstone Message Ministry or​​ the 7th​​ ​​ Seal / 7 Thunders​​ Ministry​​ (now given)- also called,​​ the Joshua Message Ministry or the 3rd​​ –​​ Pull Message​​ Ministry. It is into this Ministry started in Cameroon (chosen by God from Africa) that,​​ is actually fulfilled, the 2nd​​ Riding on the Trail of Prophet Branham’s Ministry​​ (Revelation​​ 10: 7- 2nd​​ Fold), revealing through the “Authorized member in​​ the Bride” like Peter in the Pentecostal day, the Capstone Message now revealed. Bro. Branham, in pointing that Spokesman,​​ called him:​​ “an Odd Man”, presenting​​ him​​ as such to other members like​​ “an Indicator”, saying:

I don’t know what…I’m waiting. I’m here now, I don’t know why. I’m just waiting. It may be my going home now. It looks very much that way. If it is,​​ there will rise somebody after me that will take​​ the Message on.​​ It will be an​​ ODD PERSON,​​ but he will rise after this and take the Message on. And you​​ listen to it as long as it is Scripture. Stay with it. If it is not so,​​ there is coming another Portion, now, for I do believe that we are in the last days”.​​ (43, 44…SPIRIT.OF.TRUTH_ PHOENIX.AZ FRIDAY_​​ 63-0118)​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Do you see brethren? God revealed to Bro. Branham that,​​ the person that will be raised after him,​​ and that​​ will​​ carry on Another Portion​​ or the Second Portion of the Message, will be​​ an “Odd man”​​ (rejected by many who will not like to enquire anything from him, etc…or​​ concerning him).​​ I repeat​​ by saying;​​ that​​ that​​ is the​​ “Indicator”​​ given to the Bride’s Members to find the breakthrough of the Bride’s Ministry.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Meanwhile concerning the Revelation of​​ the 7th​​ Seal / 7 Thunders Message,​​ (Revelation 8:1, 10:3-4)​​ the Joshua Message to be Spoken​​ (2 John 12, 3 John 13 & 14), and​​ made known,​​ that Odd man must be a Prophet,​​ said Prophet Branham:

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ “…What was in those Thunders no one knows, but we need to know. And it will take “a Prophet” to get the Revelation, because God has no other way of bringing out​​ His Scriptural Revelation except by​​ a Prophet”.​​ (324-1 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE-​​ CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9) (Remember​​ Amos 3:7)

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Therefore,​​ it’s neither through an Apostle,​​ an​​ Evangelist,​​ a​​ Pastor nor a Teacher;​​ but only through a Prophetic Ministry​​ (not a prophesier),​​ that God has always revealed His​​ Mysteries​​ or Secrets.​​ ​​ See, any other manner is​​ an impersonation or a heresy.​​ Amen!

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And it was about this Authorized Mouth​​ (Jeremiah 15:19)​​ and the partakers to the Bride’s move that Prophet Branham finally revealed saying:

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ So I’ve watched for something. Has it slipped by us in humility and we‘ve​​ missed it? Is it gone and the Church is left in her sins?​​ If that be so, then it’s later than you think. If not, then​​ there’s coming one with a Message that’s straight on the Bible, and quick work will circle the earth.​​ The seeds​​ will go in newspapers, reading material​​ (Internet, books), until every predestinated seed of God has heard it.​​ None of them will come unless the Father has drawn​​ them, and everyone the Father has drawn​​ will hear it and come.​​ That’ll be, the predestinated seed will hear the Word”.​​ (724-179…QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_​​ 62-0527)  ​​ ​​​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ When God started the Bride’s move in Cameroon in 2005, He took me into a vision in which:

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ I saw the Heaven opened, and suddenly came down a Great Anointing​​ that filled all my Inner Man and the Voice of God spoke to me saying:

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ “Behold I‘ve filled you with Love for all​​ those who fight against you and have wrongly understood all what happened to you about the marriage problem. But you,​​ love them.​​ I have​​ opened your spirit to understand all things.​​ Behold I’m going to use you like my winnowing fan in My Hand​​ to clean out My​​ floor and gather My wheat into the barn, to fulfill my Word”.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ That vision left me in fear.​​ This is that Word​​ related to the cleaning out of His floor and the gathering of His wheat;​​ that the Lord Jesus wants to fulfill:

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ His winnowing fan is in His Hand, and​​ He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”​​ (Matthew​​ 3:12).

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ Now my great prayer is that,​​ from​​ this reality​​ considered as unbelievable​​ by many,​​ (Acts 13:40-41, Habakkuk 1:5)​​ the Lord should break the great yoke of pride grafted upon His own, and open the​​ inner eye and understanding​​ (Luke 24:45, Ephesians 1:18)​​ of​​ His Elected ones who have​​ been​​ waiting and groaning in Cameroon​​ and into all the Nations,​​ to see​​ how God is fulfilling into this present​​ “Age of the Bride,​​ all the promises and prophecies declared by His Servant Prophet W. M. Branham; and all those which​​ He​​ declared since 1979 in the days of​​ our late Sis. EKOKO, and other Ministers living then in Douala, such as: Laurant Sanama or Joseph Alossa, etc…

NB:-These are those Thunders Messages which you shall be receiving either by Pamphlets, by Books or through our Website:​​ www.ministryofachievement.com

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From now you can purchase the awaited Book​​ that revolves the Preaching of the Gospel into all​​ the churches of the Message (1st-Fold),​​ titled:​​ “BEHOLD THE SEED OF THE WOMAN THAT SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT”-​​ $3.00 or 1 500Fcfa or N.500; for posting.

​​ May​​ God bless you. ​​ ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Yours in His Divine Service:​​ ​​ 

Major Prophet​​ Massock​​ Parmena Louis.


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