The Lord said that ‘’the time of mixing up has passed.’’ I have dressed My Rope.​​ The greatest and most important battles have started.​​ I have clothed My Sons and Daughters​​ with a Shield that is an invincible Weapon.​​ The enemy can no more win the battle.

‘’The Stages of Perfection and the Stature of Perfection are the only thing that will overcome him ‘the wicked one.’’​​ The Word has been given.​​ Sanctify yourselves and empty your Inner-man. All the disobedient shall be punished for you shall be soon completed.

I have changed you to change them;​​ for, that is where I shall meet you. I have enriched you and nourished you.

I have given you all​​ (The Written and the Unwritten Word).​​ Purify yourselves and be Holy and walk with Wisdom and in the fear of the Lord. Be Holy and be fervent in Spirit. I have told you and I am telling you that​​ ’Ye are Gods.’’​​ Yes, ye are and be blessed.’’

(Seen in the beginning of 2013)


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