Coming from a divorced and unbelieving family, this young man of about 27 years old was mystically harmed by some occultists men connected to the father with whom they formed a mystical cult or association, in which every year, a member supplies any relative or friend i.e. offers a human being as sacrifice to the cult.
And it happened that, it was the turn of Mr. Joseph, the father of Jean Paul to offer; and he decided to sacrifice his son to the cult-men. This father presented the son who was accepted; but without any family member knowing the secret deal carried out by Mr. Joseph who throughout the years keeps a secret room (a sanctum) in his compound in which nobody is allowed to enter, and into which he carried out his incantation’s ceremonies etc…
It happened that, Bro J. Paul started getting sick, getting dry (being eaten up mystically). All the medical tests about any suspected sickness were negative. Suddenly J.P started coughing and vomiting blood and was carried to a T.B specialized Hospital in Douala; no T.B bacteria was found in him. The situation quickly deteriorated as fast as possible. The occult men were accelerating his degradation. The rest of his family members (J.P’s sisters, brothers, mothers etc…) were crying and weeping, seeing how J.P after three days, will soon give up although surrounded by serious medical personnel, rendered powerless before this ongoing deadly case. After few minutes, these medical body left, saying: “there is no way to rescue; the case is a mystical one, we can’t waste our time there.” Bro. J.P was ready to give up the ghost (being not yet a believer, but one of his sisters was already in the Ministry). Brethren, at that very time he was giving up the ghost, I, Major Prophet Massock and Pastor Ebai were in my house in Douala, which is about 5 km from that hospital. Then the Lord Jesus called us through a vision shown to Bro. Ebai to run very fast to Akwa Hospital, where there is a young man of about 27 years who is dying, offered by his father as a sacrifice to an occult Society.
My brethren, in less than 20 minutes, we were at the gate of the hospital where we found the mother and others … weeping that J.P is dead, but the body was still on his bed. We quickly ran to the dry body left alone on his hospital bed. How were we to proceed? What was the Dynamic Power going to do? It wasn’t just a prayer case, but a battle case against agents of the kingdom of darkness; against occult men who have taken hold of the body and life of this young man.
But believing that we were commanded by the Lord Jesus, He suddenly quickened us, I and Bro. Ebai, started battling the occult Society, claiming back the life of Bro. J.P. As the battle was going on, the Lord gave us visions to see how his breath was cut off mystically within his chest; and with the use of the Offensive Weapons (presented in the Book entitled: BEHOLD THE SEED OF THE WOMAN THAT SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT, found in the Books Section of our website;, I chained, bruised and consumed the mystical totem (a demonic frog) that ate his heart and lungs. While battling, this cult sent against us a wicked snake that was caught and destroyed instantly. Brethren, the Hall was full of people and family members who were seeing how their son and brother was coming back into life-breathing again. By the time the battle ended, Bro. J.P was fully resurrected. Glory be unto God! Death left him, the occult Society was defeated; and his father, Mr. Joseph latter died at the street junction (AGIP), leaving the family behind him.
May this testimony quicken all the Elected Bride’s Members in the World, and prove to each one, the powerful Presence of the Lord into this Second–fold of Prophet Branham’s Ministry (Revelation 10:7-2nd fold) raised in Africa, starting from Cameroon (Isaiah 19:19-21, Daniel 2, Matthew 21:43) where the Seven Thunders Message-the Capstone Message (Revelation 10:3-4) is revealed and pasted under “THE WRITTEN SERMONS” or ‘’BOOKS & TRACTS SECTION’’ of our Website;
May the Lord bless you as you go about reading; in Jesus Christ’s Name; Amen!!!