Shalom Beloved Major Prophet Louis Parmena Massock,

I hereby humbly request to pass through the​​ Obliged Channel/Tunnel’’​​ as ordered by the Holy Ghost to Prophet Branham​​ in the quote​​ below:


 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And then the Holy Spirit spoke to me one morning, about daylight, and said; get up on the platform or somewhere, and bring these people up there and make them confess everything that they’ve did, before you pray for them.’’​​ See? The deepness of sincerity…”

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And which Prophet Branham later ordered and declared:​​ 


 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And you people that hear this tape, all over the world, and after this tape is played and​​ the Minister or the​​ person​​ that’s playing it, in Congregation groups out in the jungles or wherever you are, that’s playing it,​​ will first​​ make your confession clear, and then come with nothing in your heart at all, but Faith, and be prayed for,​​ there’s the medicine will take place​​ 


And which the Lord​​ finally​​ in May 1994, divinely visited you and spoke to you saying:​​ “Because I have a Serious and Great Program to achieve with you, you have to make known the confession of all your passed sinful life.”​​ Afterwards you​​ gave this​​ Message to your​​ Congregation which had about 200​​ people at that time in Mamfe; and​​ took a week of fasting and prayers, then within your​​ meditation during that week,​​ the Lord spoke to you​​ again, and​​ sent you​​ to the quotes of the Prophet above;​​ and which​​ He asked​​ you​​ to make known to all​​ the Brethren and Ministers in the world as,​​ “The Obliged Tunnel or Passage,​​ through which must pass every believer of Malachi 4:5-6;-2nd-fold Message (Ministers and Assemblies Members).​​ 

I​​ am​​ therefore​​ humbly requesting for your kind direction. I am from Kenya and I have just found out last Saturday 28TH​​ September 2013 about this CAPSTONE MESSAGE MINISTRY that has really blessed my heart. WHAT A BLESSED JOY IT HAS BEEN TO ME.

Thank you in advance and remain blessed.



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