225 Why, me an old man, suffered all my life, why did He heal me now? I believe I'll ride this trail again, I got to bring a Message! And I say to my Father, tonight, (as Junior seen in a--a dream the other night of the wings of this Dove, moving in these windows here), Lord, Your servant's reporting for service. Amen, I'm ready!
6 Now, there's... I was... getting pretty old, and I thought, "Will I... Will there be another Revival, I'll see another time?" And just remember, from the west will come a White Horse Rider. We'll ride this trail again. That's right. Soon as... we're about ready. It's a promise, you see.
199 She'll turn at the west and ride back again, one of these days, just remember. She sure will. And that's right. Until then: Take the Name of Jesus with you….
83 Science and education is trying to disprove God, see, through theological seminaries and schools, and rooms of science, and so forth. They've had their shake. How about the vision the other night, (Rev. Walker’s dream) of the man when he screamed to those scientists down there pouring that stuff in like that? They just turned and looked up, and went on. THERE'LL BE ONE MORE RIDE.
209 Mrs. Carl Williams, if you're setting here, and that dream that you told me about, a while ago, that you had the other night, that's been bothering you, there it is. The steering wheel is taken from my hand.
314 But under modern conditions, as God's servant... I won't call myself His Prophet; but I believe maybe, if I wouldn't be sent for that, I'm laying a ground for him when he does come.
189 I wasn't trusting in my grammar. I wasn't trusting in any ability I had. I was commissioned. Hallelujah! And I didn't go to reason. And if I had have listened to reasons, there would probably have been thousands of people died, years ago. But I carried a Message exactly like He said, around and around the world. 190 And I'm going again, by the grace of God; not by reasons, but by a commission. Hallelujah.
987-307 And now, we pray, God, that You'll give us Prophets to interpret this Word to us, that we might know whether we're right or wrong. We see false prophets raises up; they're in the deserts, Salt Lake City, and all parts of the Nation, all kinds of deserts, and all kinds of secret chambers, all kinds of Father Divines, and so forth, everywhere.
283 Now, remember, and I told you I'd bring back this, "Great Trumpet." He said, what would He do, over here in Isaiah? He said, at... "The Great Trumpet would sound. The Great Trumpet!" Not Trumpets now, feast of trumpets; there is two of them, Moses and Elias, to call the Trumpet. But, under "the Great Trumpet," the Coming of the Lord….
50 Now we are closer than it seems to be. I don't know when, but it's real, real close. I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know. And that time may be this coming week… that the Holy Spirit will come with... and bring Christ Jesus.
51 ..." And I believe, that, maybe, maybe within the next few months, or something, or year, or whatever it is, God is going to send another shaking across the country, for there is somebody still out there, somewhere, that's a predestinated Seed, that the Light has to fall on, somewhere, somewhere in the world. The Nation, itself, is gone.
567-3 {325} It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this Great Person that we're expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. Maybe this Ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good. There won't be two of us here the same time. See? If it is, he will increase, I'll decrease. I don't know. But I have been privileged by God to look and see what it was (See, see?), unfold to that much. (Here is a vision) Now, that is the truth.
466-4 {66} But the Seventh Seal doesn't reveal anything, what's going to happen to it (See?), because at the end of that church age (Laodicean Church Age) is to come a Prophetic gift to reveal these things. See? Are you following it? All right.
573-2 {373} O God, may I be able to hand this old Sword over to somebody else that'll be honest with It, Lord, and will pack the truth. Grant it, Lord.
42 … I don't know what. I'm waiting. I'm here now. I don't know why. I'm just waiting.43 It may be my going-home time. It looks very much that way. If it is, there will rise somebody after me, that'll take the Message on. He'll be an ODD PERSON, but he'll rise after this and take the Message on. And you listen to it. As long as it's Scripture, stay with it. 44 If it isn't, there is coming another Portion now, (The 2nd Portion of the Message) for I do believe that we're living in the last days….’’
E-82 Now, this gift of this knowing knowledge, (Discernment) and so forth like that, as I say, just because it don't fall upon them brethren... It may never; I don't believe it will as long as I'm living. After I go, it'll probably come on someone. But look, because the Holy Spirit, the same Angel has already said that. So I--I know that's--that's that way. (Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord).
751-35 I've waited; I have longed; I have been under anticipations and believed that some great one was coming someday or maybe a--the Great Prophet that I speak will come, of the ELISHA. I've always believed and thought maybe that maybe I'd live to see the day that, when I could change, when I'd see that person rise on the scene.
757-64 I believe that the Lord has used me in little special things to help maybe lay a foundation for a Prophet that will come. But a Prophet doesn't operate the way I operate, now, you know that. A Prophet isn't an Evangelist…
572-390 But let me say this, that there will come--there will come a Message, and there will come a Messenger. I believe that if it's to be a man, it--it'll be somebody after me. See? It'll be... But this Message that I'm preaching is the true Message of this day, and it's the last Message. (For the Church Ages) You see what I'm doing, brethren? I'm putting you all the same place I am, 'cause you're just as much into it as I am. You are messengers of this same Message.
What was in those Thunders no one knows. But we need to know. And it will take a PROPHET to get the revelation because God has no other way of bringing out His Scriptural revelations except by a PROPHET.
228 We're looking for the Joshua of this day, which is the Holy Spirit, to lead us to the land. He has to speak through somebody, because He's a Spirit. I've told you what He's told me. Now, you believe and be healed.
200 I didn't know what the rest of it was, but the hour has come. The hour has come, when I seen the hand (The Hand of the LORD) come down to Joshua, said, "I was with Moses. I'll be with you." I believe it this morning. From henceforth and this day on, I serve God in my commission.
120 I'll preach what God said preach. That's right. One of them Eight will be somewhere. One of them will be somewhere. But at that day (In which He will be manifested on the scene) I don't want to be guilty of saying I compromised because of some creed, or some church doctrine, or some denomination. I've preached the Truth.
135 Lord God, out of a little group of people that's washed by the scarlet line of Blood of the Lord Jesus, You shall bring forth, to that group, somewhere, Lord, across this world, Christ again, that'll rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron.
77 So I found this, the Bible said, "David served the Lord well in his generation." So I said, "Lord, I don't want no organization. Let me serve You with all my heart, while I'm here living." That's right. "And next, You'll have another man when I'm gone. You'll have somebody take its place." That's all.
233 I don't want no organization. But help me to live so that in my generation... I'll not stand in another generation. I'll have nothing to judge them. I'll not have to stand the judgment with them…When my days is finished and I've done my best, if I be God's servant, God will raise Him up another man in that day when I'm gone. So there's no need of me setting something around my theology; is me to live in what Light I have, and wait till--on God. For the next generation to come, He will have a man there when that generation comes up. Amen. Oh, my.
God confirmed His choice of Cameroon as the commencement point of the Bride's Revival by transforming its Map under the Sky to the Africa's Horse today in its Riding around the World bearing the revelation of the Capstone Message - The Seven Thunders / 7th Seal Message, that must gather all the Bride Members and provide to them: The Perfect & Rapturing Faith. Glory Be To God!!!.
"Any preacher who doesn't have the Revelation of: Who is God? How he is (his nature, shape and being)? Where He is and how to go to Him? Can never preach a true Gospel for salvation."